Call for Entries: Flash 405, April 2020: “Change in Perspective”

It’s time to announce our next Flash 405 contest. For our April 2020 round, we are delighted to welcome guest judge K.B. Carle!

Flash 405 is Exposition Review‘s multi-genre short form writing competition, awarding cash prizes and online publication to the winners. You can read the full rules and find past contests and winners here. Entries for our next round will be accepted from April 4–May 5, 2020 via Submittable.

Read on to learn more about this month’s judge and theme:

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AWP Panel Recap: From Page to Stage: How to Write a Play That Will Actually Get Produced

#AWP2020 was one for the books, and not because of the usual literary masses swarming the host city. The Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) Conference in San Antonio started on March 4th just days after the Mayor declared a public health emergency when someone who tested positive for COVID-19 had been released from the nearby Air Force Base where 100 cruise ship passengers had been quarantined. The declaration was made in order to protect the city from any other evacuees from entering, but ultimately was denied by the courts. However, within hours of this declaration, the organizers of AWP had a tough choice to make in whether or not to move forward with the conference. 

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National Indie Excellence Awards Guest Post: Why Indie Authors Should Submit Their Work to Book Awards

By Daniel Pateman

There’s never been a better time to be an independent author. After years spent trying to court the ‘big five’ (HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, Penguin Random House, Macmillan and Hachette), only for your work to be rejectedor ignored completelyit’s becoming absurdly easy to get your masterpiece published, all by yourself.

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Expo Recommends: AWP, San Antonio Edition


What should I read next? We honestly have no idea this time, but we will find out this March when our editors attend the Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) Conference in San Antonio! We promise, this is not just a humble brag that we will be moderating a panel there (though you can see us on Saturday, March 7th at 9:00am at the panel From Page to Stage: How to Write a Play That Will Actually Get Produced).

As our editors get ready for the trip to Texas, there are quite a few panels, people, and sights to look forward to. Here’s a list of some of our most anticipated events!

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Call for Entries: Flash 405, February 2020: “Bright Spot”

Welcome back to another exciting year of Flash 405! Our first contest of the new year (and new decade!) will open for submissions on February 4, 2020, and will be judged  by former Expo Poetry Editor and current associate editor Sarah Smith Narhi.

Flash 405 is Exposition Review‘s multi-genre short form writing competition, awarding cash prizes and online publication to the winners. You can read the full rules and find past contests and winners here. Entries for our next round will be accepted from Feb 4–Mar 5, 2020 via Submittable.

Read on to learn more about this month’s judge and theme:

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“Wonder” Literary Prize Nominations

Exposition Review is dedicated to creating more opportunities for our community of talented, diverse writers and artists to share their voices and grow their platform. This is why, from the very beginning, Expo has been a nominating literary journal. Every year we recognize our strongest published works by submitting them for consideration for a variety of prestigious literary awards and anthologies. We are proud to present our nominees from our “Wonder” issue.

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Expo Recommends: “Act/Break”


What should I read next? It’s a question we all ask ourselves time and again. Even with the countless essays, novels, screenplays, poems, and transmedia pieces to discover, to fall in love with or to detest, it can be a challenge to choose. Enter Expo Recommends, a curated selection of readings brought to you by the editors of Exposition Review.

Our 2019 annual issue submission season is well underway. For Vol. V our editors chose the theme “Act/Break” calling submitters to consider action, disruption, and the interstitial places in between. As we approach our guaranteed feedback deadline (November 1) and our official deadline (December 15), we want to give you, our readers, writers, submitters, and community, an extra dose of inspiration. So whether you read Expo Recommends for the recommendations or you want to get a leg up on the competition with a behind-the-scenes look into the preferences of our editorial team, we hope you’ll enjoy our “Act/Break” inspired Expo Recommends. And if you’re looking for a place to buy the books that supports local bookstores and yours truly with a 10% commission, shop our Bookshop.

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Recap: Expo Presents: “L.A. in a Flash” at Lit Crawl L.A.

For a lit journal, fall is an exciting time of year. It usually means submission season is in full swing and a shiny new issue gleams on the horizon. But this year, beyond the excitement around our annual issue—and the fact that we’ll be paying contributors to Vol. V: “Act/Break”—we’re blocking our calendars with a focus on Lit Crawls and flash.

Continue reading “Recap: Expo Presents: “L.A. in a Flash” at Lit Crawl L.A.”