Flash 405, June 2024: “Persona” Winners

When Expo Associate Editor Madeline Grimm posed the theme “Persona” for our June 2024 Flash 405 contest, we were excited to see what stories it would inspire. This versatile theme encompasses explorations of  “shifting identities and self-fashioning,” but Madeline also asked writers to confront our own personashow we as writers create “a range of literary alter egos that tell [our] stories.”

The entries we received did not disappoint, pushing the theme beyond our expectations, and after much deliberation, we are excited to share the results with the world.

Congratulations to our winners! Their work can be read below.

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Call for Submissions for Vol. X: “Spring”

A Venus flytrap. Overlaid text reads: "Exposition Review Vol. X 'Spring' Call for Submissions."

Exposition Review is happy to announce the theme for our tenth annual issue: “Spring.”

Submissions will be open September 15–December 15, 2024. We accept work in all forms: fiction, flash fiction, nonfiction, poetry, scripts for stage & screen, experimental narratives, visual art, film, and comics.

Read more about the theme and how to submit:

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Exposition Review, Vol. IX: “POP!” Launch

Exposition Review is thrilled to share our latest issue, Vol. IX: “POP!”!

“POP!” is the intersection of tradition and trend. Whether satirizing an overused metaphor in poetry or confronting violence in Gaza, these pieces are made relevant both by their immediacy and because they are rooted in the human experience. It is full of moments that will surprise you, inspire you to think outside of your bubble, or maybe even reference some of your favorite songs.

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Call for Entries: Flash 405, August 2024: “Otherworldly”

Get ready for another round of Flash 405! Starting August 4, we’ll be accepting submissions on the theme “Otherworldly.” Whether you write prose, poetry, or experimental flash, we welcome your short-form masterpieces.

The theme for August was selected by our guest judge, the talented Dr. Cecilia Caballero, who introduced us to her own out-of-this-world work at a panel we co-hosted at Skylight Books earlier this year. We are thrilled to have her select the winners of our final contest of 2024.

Submissions will close September 5, so don’t miss your chance to enter! Before you submit, however, learn more about Cecilia and her “Otherworldly” theme below:

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Flash 405, April 2024: “Home” Winners

In April, author Liza Olson stepped into the role of guest judge for Flash 405 and crafted her contest around the theme “Home,” looking for stories that invited us into the contours and concepts of what a home can be. After receiving a number of incredible micro-narratives and careful consideration of each entry, we are now ready to announce the winners!

Our 1st and 2nd place winners received a cash prize, and their work, along with our honorable mentions, can be read below.

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Call for Entries: Flash 405, June 2024: “Persona”

Mark your calendars – on June 4, our next round of Flash 405 will open for submissions! Our Flash 405 writing contest is a celebration of short-form narratives, accepting work in multiple genres, from prose to poetry to hybrid and experimental forms. This round, we are looking for flash work inspired by the theme “Persona.” The theme was chosen by Expo Associate Editor Madeline Grimm, who will be serving as judge for our June contest!

Learn more about Madeline and this month’s contest theme:

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Flash 405, February 2024: “Host” Winners

We are excited to announce our first Flash 405 winners of 2024! “Host” closed for submissions in early March. Judged by our “POP!” co-Fiction editor Sam Burt, this round called for entries to explore what it means to be a good host—or a bad one—in all it’s various interpretations. We received many incredible entries that weren’t afraid to question the unspoken rules of hospitality and relationships, and narrowing them down to a final three was no easy feat for Sam!

That said, we are happy to reveal our winners and “Host” their stories in Exposition Review:

Continue reading “Flash 405, February 2024: “Host” Winners”

Call for Entries: Flash 405, April 2024: “Home”

It’s almost time for our April 2024 Flash 405 contest, and we couldn’t be more pleased to welcome author Liza Olson into our Expo “Home” as the guest judge for this upcoming round!

Flash 405 is Exposition Review’s multi-genre short-form writing competition, awarding cash prizes and online publication to the winners. We will accept entries starting April 4 through May 5, 2024.

Learn more about Liza and this month’s contest theme:

Continue reading “Call for Entries: Flash 405, April 2024: “Home””

Expo Recommends: Podcast Edition


What should I read next?—Scratch that. What should I listen to next?

As we roll out the new season of our podcast Transposition, we want to take a moment to appreciate and recognize some of our favorite literary-themed podcasts. These hidden gems offer a rich tapestry of bookish discussions, author interviews, and deep dives into the world of literature and beyond with some familiar favorites from our Expo family.

Thanks to our podcast team for curating this list of recs!

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“Lines” Literary Prize Nominations

At Exposition Review, our mission is to continue to create opportunities for our ever-growing community of talented writers and artists to share their voices and grow their platforms. This is why every year we submit some of our strongest published work for a variety of prestigious literary awards and anthologies. We are proud to present our nominees from our “Lines” issue for the following awards:
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