Expo Presents: Transposition, The Literary Podcast—Season Two

If season one of our Transposition podcast was about sharing the voices of our contributors at a time when so many venues were silenced, season two was about inviting others in. We added Mitchell Evenson as an associate producer, and he created our new theme music and helped shape the season. We brought on more guests to expand and deepen the context of our content. We interviewed our first visual artist on the podcast, Zoe Walsh. With all of these new additions, we found a common theme.

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Recap: WriteGirl and DREAMing Out Loud Writers Share Their Voices at Annual Workshop

For almost as long as we’ve been publishing, Exposition Review has hosted our free “Share Your Voice!” workshop for emerging writers with the ultimate goal of publishing their work. During the pandemic, this has taken place online, which has enabled us to expand our guests to include not only WriteGirl teens and alums but students from PEN America’s DREAMing Out Loud program in New York.

This year, we gathered via Zoom on Sunday, April 3, to help participants find literary journals to fit their voices, polish their submission materials, and submit their work.

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Flash 405, February 2022: “Routine & Ritual” Winners

For the first Flash 405 of 2022, guest judge Mia Nakaji Monnier asked us to consider how “we mark the small moments”—an apt request for a flash writing contest, where the smallest stories can still connect us to the bigger picture. Our winners did just that, using ritual and routine to explore full histories in a few brief paragraphs.

Learn more about Mia’s selections and read the winning pieces below:

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Call for Entries: Flash 405, April 2022: “Escape”

Spring is in the air! For some people that means cleaning; for others, it’s time to break away. This April, Expo is opting for the latter and we want you to “Escape” with us!

Submissions for our next Flash 405 writing contest will open on April 4, 2022, judged by our own Kelly Esparza. Read on to learn more about the prompt for the upcoming round:

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Expo, Erased: Read New Versions of Our Letters from the Editors

Currently in the throes of putting together our seventh annual issue, “Flux,” we can’t help but look back at all that’s come before. We’ve been able to do so with fresh eyes over the past few months thanks to the creativity and industry of our intern Rayne Alarcio, who’s produced a series of erasure poems based on our past letters from the editors. This project, which we’ll be rolling out across our social media channels leading up to the launch of “Flux,” got to the heart of our ambitions and aspirations for Expo in a vibrant new form.

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Call for Entries: Flash 405, February 2022: “Routine and Ritual”

Flash 405 writing contest

We’re very excited to kick off a new year of Flash 405 with new prompt “Routine and Ritual,” chosen by Guest Judge Mia Nakaji Monnier!

Mia was featured our “Wonder” issue with her beautiful creative nonfiction Kokoro Yasume; she was also a guest on A Very Special Episode of Transposition, in conversation with our co-EiC Mellinda Hensley and our August 2021 Flash 405 judge, Christopher Gonzalez.

Submissions will open on February 4, 2022, via Submittable. Before submitting, we encourage you to check out the full prompt below. You can also see further guidelines and see past contest winners by visiting our Flash 405 page.

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New Year … New Literary Nominations!

At Exposition Review, our mission is to create more opportunities for our ever-growing community of talented, diverse writers and artists to share their voices and grow their platform. This is why, every year, we submit some of our strongest published work for a variety of prestigious literary awards and anthologies. To kick off the new year, we are proud to present our nominees from our “Hunger” issue for the following awards:
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Support These Lit Orgs on #GivingTuesday 2021

Writing might seem like a solitary activity, but it’s backed by a vibrant community that supports and uplifts voices of all ages, backgrounds, and experiences. In honor of #GivingTuesday, we’re waiving our submission fees on Tuesday, November 30, so you can donate your money or time to your favorite organizations. If you’re looking for suggestions, here are some of our perennial and new recommendations:

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Expo Recommends: “Flux”


What should I read next? It’s a question we all ask ourselves time and again. Even with the countless essays, novels, screenplays, poems, and transmedia pieces to discover, to fall in love with or to detest, it can be a challenge to choose. Enter Expo Recommends, a curated selection of works to read and see brought to you by the editors of Exposition Review.

Our 2021 annual issue submission season is well underway. For Vol. VII, our editors chose the theme “Flux,” calling on submitters to consider movement, conflict, and change. Heading into our last month of submissions (our deadline is December 31), we want to give you—our readers, writers, submitters, and community—an extra dose of inspiration. So whether you read Expo Recommends for the recommendations or you want to get a leg up on the competition with a behind-the-scenes look into the preferences of our editorial team, we hope you’ll enjoy our “Flux”-inspired Expo Recommends. And when you buy your copies of the books from our Bookshop, and Exposition Review will receive a 10% commission.

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Flash 405, August 2021: “House Party” Winners

Looks like this party’s over (or maybe just beginning) with the announcement of our 2021 Flash 405 contest “House Party” winners. Judged by Barrelhouse Fiction Editor Christopher Gonzalez, this round of Flash 405 wanted pieces that made us crave community and conflict, heat and heated discussions, raw and unfiltered potential. After much deliberation, we have our winners!

Learn more about Christopher’s selections and read the winning pieces below:

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