Call for Entries! Flash 405, June 2016: “Metamorphosis” with Judith Freeman


As Expo prepares for our “Flash of Inspiration” panel at LitFest Pasadena, we are excited to announce that one of the panelists, Judith Freeman, will be the guest judge for our June 2016 round of Flash 405!

Flash 405 is a multi-genre flash competition, awarding prizes and online publication to the winners. Entries for this round will be accepted from June 4-July 5, 2016 via Submittable.

The full rules (and past winners) are available here . Read on for the June 2016 theme and details. Good luck!
Continue reading “Call for Entries! Flash 405, June 2016: “Metamorphosis” with Judith Freeman”

A Flash of Inspiration at LitFest Pasadena

LitFest Pasadena

The editors of Exposition Review are excited to announce that we are curating a panel discussion and writing event at LitFest Pasadena. We’ve gathered some of our favorite writers, editors, and MPW alumni to bring you writing ideas and inspiration.  If you can’t make it out to Pasadena—and even if you can—tag your questions on Twitter as #AskExpo, and we just might live-tweet back your answer.

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Flash 405, April 2016: “Fault” Winners


Exposition Review had a great #AWP16–we launched Vol I: “IX Lives,” met some amazing writers, and heard some amazing work–and we wanted more. That’s why just a day after the conference ended, we opened submissions for our next round of Flash 405. Our chosen theme for this round was “Fault.” Judge Mellinda Hensley invited writers to think about rifts, blame, and brokenness–those tenuous moments that make us hold our breath.

Continue reading “Flash 405, April 2016: “Fault” Winners”

Expo Recommends with Brianna J.L. Smyk


What should I read next? It’s a question we all ask ourselves time and again. Even with the countless essays, novels, screenplays, poems, and transmedia pieces to discover, to fall in love with or to detest, it can be a challenge to choose. Enter Expo Recommends, a curated selection of readings brought to you by the editors of Exposition Review.

First up we have one of Expo’s Editors-in-Chief, Brianna J.L. Smyk.

Continue reading “Expo Recommends with Brianna J.L. Smyk”

Call for Entries! Flash 405, April 2016: “Fault”


We’re excited to announce the next round of Flash 405this time with guest judge Mellinda Hensley!

Flash 405 is a multi-genre flash competition, awarding prizes and online publication to the winners. Entries for this round were accepted from April 4-May 5, 2016.

Read the full rules (and past winners) here and submit here. But first, read on for more details about our April 2016 round!
Continue reading “Call for Entries! Flash 405, April 2016: “Fault””

Exposition Review, Vol. I: “IX Lives” Launches


After months of hard work, reading, and editing, the time has come! “IX Lives” has arrived!

Exposition Review is proud to present our inaugural issue, Vol. I: “IX Lives,” featuring writing by Claudia Rankine, Sonia Greenfield, Hafeez Lakhani, Stephanie Abraham, Ace Boggess, and William Deverell; visuals by Frances Stark, WRDSMTH, and John Lucas; and an interview with Richard Rayner; and more.

Continue reading “Exposition Review, Vol. I: “IX Lives” Launches”

Flash 405, February 2016: Amy Gerstler’s “Six Themes” Winners

We are still pinching ourselves that the amazingly-talented writer Amy Gerstler was the guest judge for our February Flash 405 competition. This award-winning poet offered six mix-and-match themes for our writers: altered states, lost, disorder, feast, fellow creatures, and tattoo. She prompted contestants to pick one, incorporate all six, or take inspiration from a selection.

Continue reading “Flash 405, February 2016: Amy Gerstler’s “Six Themes” Winners”

Explore Downtown Los Angeles for AWP

Los Angeles Welcomes #AWP16

In just a few short weeks, Los Angeles will welcome the Association of Writers and Writing Programs conference, or what is better known as AWP. As an LA-based literary journal and a hub of LA’s writing community, we, as good hosts and hostesses, couldn’t pass up the opportunity dish out a little guide (complete with map) to Downtown Los Angeles and the Arts District. Continue reading “Explore Downtown Los Angeles for AWP”

Call for Entries! Flash 405, February 2016 with Guest Judge Amy Gerstler


In celebration of our #PlanfortheRebrand, we’re excited to announce the next round of Flash 405this time with guest judge Amy Gerstler!

Flash 405 is a multi-genre flash competition, awarding prizes and online publication to the winners. Entries for this round will be accepted from February 4-March 5, 2016.

Read the full rules here. Read on for more details of our February 2016 round!
Continue reading “Call for Entries! Flash 405, February 2016 with Guest Judge Amy Gerstler”