“POP!” Literary Prize Nominations

At Exposition Review, our mission is to continue to create opportunities for our ever-growing community of talented writers and artists to share their voices and grow their platforms. This is why every year we submit some of our strongest published work for a variety of prestigious literary awards and anthologies. We are proud to present our nominees from our “POP!” issue for the following awards:
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“Lines” Literary Prize Nominations

At Exposition Review, our mission is to continue to create opportunities for our ever-growing community of talented writers and artists to share their voices and grow their platforms. This is why every year we submit some of our strongest published work for a variety of prestigious literary awards and anthologies. We are proud to present our nominees from our “Lines” issue for the following awards:
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“Flux” Literary Prize Nominations

At Exposition Review, our mission is to continue to create opportunities for our ever-growing community of talented writers and artists to share their voices and grow their platforms. This is why, every year, we submit some of our strongest published work for a variety of prestigious literary awards and anthologies. We are proud to present our nominees from our “Flux” issue for the following awards:
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New Year … New Literary Nominations!

At Exposition Review, our mission is to create more opportunities for our ever-growing community of talented, diverse writers and artists to share their voices and grow their platform. This is why, every year, we submit some of our strongest published work for a variety of prestigious literary awards and anthologies. To kick off the new year, we are proud to present our nominees from our “Hunger” issue for the following awards:
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It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like… “Act/Break” Literary Nominations

At Exposition Review, our mission is to create more opportunities for our ever-growing community of talented, diverse writers and artists to share their voices and grow their platform. This is why, every year, we submit some of our strongest published work for a variety of prestigious literary awards and anthologies. To kick off the holiday season, we are proud to present our nominees from our “Act/Break” issue for the following awards:
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“Wonder” Literary Prize Nominations

Exposition Review is dedicated to creating more opportunities for our community of talented, diverse writers and artists to share their voices and grow their platform. This is why, from the very beginning, Expo has been a nominating literary journal. Every year we recognize our strongest published works by submitting them for consideration for a variety of prestigious literary awards and anthologies. We are proud to present our nominees from our “Wonder” issue.

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“Orbit” Literary Prize Nominations


Exposition Review is dedicated to creating more opportunities for our ever-growing community of talented, diverse writers and artists to share their voices and grow their platform. This is why, from the very beginning, Expo has been a nominating literary journal. Every year we recognize our strongest published works by submitting them for consideration for a variety of prestigious literary awards and anthologies. We are proud to present our nominees from our “Orbit” issue.

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Expo’s 2018 Literary Prize Nominations


As we read submissions for our “Orbit” issue, it’s natural that we judge any new piece against those from our previous issue. Vol. II: “Surface” was our strongest issue yet, and we were proud to share such a diverse collection of powerful, unique narratives in multiple and even hybrid genres. A few of those pieces, however, shined exceptionally bright, and we now recognize those works by putting them forward for consideration for several prestigious literary prizes.

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Expo’s 2017 Literary Prize Nominations


When we set out to publish Exposition Review’s “IX Lives” issue, our first online issue, we knew there was a world of opportunity before us. As our journal evolved, we leaned into the digital space and opened up to new ways of sharing narratives—such as Claudia Rankine and John Lucas’s incredibly powerful and timely “Situation 6” Video Essay.

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