Expo Presents: Transposition, The Literary Podcast – Season One

In 2020, Exposition Review kicked off our own literary podcast, Transposition. Following the readings of our Vol. V: “Act/Break” contributors for our issue launch, Transposition has evolved into a full summer series. Laura Rensing, Stage & Screen Editor and founding member of the Editorial Board, has guided us through a comprehensive look at Exposition Review’s other published pieces and authors. With readings from the writers themselves and short interviews to follow, we’ve been able to explore more thoroughly the diverse worlds our contributors have created. After all, Transposition’s title was inspired by the idea “to perform a piece of music in a key other than the one in which it is written” and we are so proud to have brought these works into new forms. As we all close the end of season one, join us in reflecting on this endeavor, and take a deeper dive into all the brilliant work of our contributors!

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Flash 405, August 2020: “Invented Language” Winners

It’s time to share the results of our final Flash 405 contest of this year! 2020 has been a wild, unwieldy, and at times horrifying rollercoaster, but we kicked off this season with “Bright Spot,” and Flash 405 has continued to remain as such for Exposition Review. The winners of 2020 have delighted us, moved us, and connected us in our love of good writing. With “Invented Language,” the winning works took this a step further, exploring the construction and meaning of words themselves to evoke powerful emotion. We are pleased to share those works now, selected by guest judge Rita Bullwinkel.

Read on to discover them for yourself!

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Expo Recommends: The Ones That Got Away


What should I read next? It’s a question we all ask ourselves time and again. Even with the countless essays, novels, screenplays, poems, and transmedia pieces to discover, to fall in love with or to detest, it can be a challenge to choose. Enter Expo Recommends, a curated selection of readings brought to you by the editors of Exposition Review.

Going into our sixth annual issue, we decided to celebrate the work that we have loved but were unable to publish ourselves. It’s one of an editor’s worst nightmares. A piece is submitted to your literary journal that is absolutely perfect, but before you can send out the acceptance, you get a notification from Submittable: “Piece Withdrawn.” Another literary journal got there first. Even though we have sadly had to let pieces go over the years, we are so glad the writers we loved found homes for their pieces!

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Call for Submissions for Volume VI: “Hunger”

Exposition Review is excited to announce the theme for our sixth annual issue: Hunger.

Submissions will be open from September 15–December 15, 2020. We accept work in all forms: fiction, nonfiction, poetry, scripts for stage & screen, experimental narratives, visual art, and comics. We guarantee feedback for all writers that submit before Nov 1 and payment to all contributors.

Read more about the theme and how to submit:

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Flash 405, June 2020: “International Travel” Winners

With the theme “International Travel,” judge Dave Gregory asked to “see the world through your words,” and received numerous entries that did just that: stories that made us richer, even at a time when the desire to travel and boundaries—physical, emotional, and social—seem more keenly felt than ever. We are now pleased to share the best of those stories with the world! Plus, with a portion of the entry fees and Exposition Review matching the amount, we were able to donate to an important nonprofit in the Los Angeles community.

Read on to discover them for yourself.

Continue reading “Flash 405, June 2020: “International Travel” Winners”

Call for Entries: Flash 405, August 2020: “Invented Language”

Exposition Review is delighted to announce our last Flash 405 contest of 2020 with guest judge, author Rita Bullwinkel!

Flash 405 is Exposition Review‘s multi-genre short form writing competition, awarding cash prizes and online publication to the winners. You can read the full rules and find past contests and winners here. Entries for our next round will be accepted from Aug 4–Sept 5, 2020 via Submittable.

Read on to learn more about this month’s judge and theme:

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Flash 405, April 2020: “Change In Perspective” Winners

We are pleased to announce the winners of Flash 405: “Change in Perspective,” selected by guest judge K.B. Carle. The April 2020 contest asked writers to tell stories that changed them, but from a completely different point of view. K.B.’s prompt challenged writers to think outside the box (or even as the box!) and pushed them out of their comfort zone, resulting in some excellent, unexpected pieces.

Read on to discover them for yourself!

Continue reading “Flash 405, April 2020: “Change In Perspective” Winners”

Expo Recommends: #AmplifyBIPOC

As a lit journal dedicated to creating lasting opportunities for writers and artists to share their voices, we are committed to amplifying the experiences, stories, poetry, and artwork of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and improving pathways for their own agency as readers, editors, and publishers.

This Expo Recommends #AmplifyBIPOC list highlights organizations, publications, writers, artists, etc. that support and represent the work of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). Beyond race, many of the spaces and work included on this list also represent the dimensions of intersectionality and how sex, gender identity, age, ability, income, and community all shape experience.

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Call for Entries: Flash 405, June 2020: “International Travel”

Our next Flash 405 contest is almost here! This round will be judged by our own Associate Editor Dave Gregory.

Flash 405 is Exposition Review‘s multi-genre short form writing competition, awarding cash prizes and online publication to the winners. You can read the full rules and find past contests and winners here. Entries for our next round will be accepted from June 4–July 5, 2020 via Submittable.

Read on to learn more about this month’s judge and theme:

Continue reading “Call for Entries: Flash 405, June 2020: “International Travel””

Exposition Review, Vol V: “Act/Break” Launch (and New Podcast Alert!)

Exposition Review is ecstatic to announce our latest issue has launched, Vol. V: “Act/Break”! With this new issue, we celebrate works across genres and hybrid forms, featuring writers new, established, and emerging from WriteGirl and the PEN America Emerging Voices Fellowship. After months of reading, editing, and design, it’s time to share it with the world.

That’s not to say this issue wasn’t without its last minute changes. Even though Exposition Review wasn’t able to host our regular issue launch party, we still found new and exciting ways to celebrate the work of our contributors.

Continue reading “Exposition Review, Vol V: “Act/Break” Launch (and New Podcast Alert!)”