Expo Recommends: “Act/Break”


What should I read next? It’s a question we all ask ourselves time and again. Even with the countless essays, novels, screenplays, poems, and transmedia pieces to discover, to fall in love with or to detest, it can be a challenge to choose. Enter Expo Recommends, a curated selection of readings brought to you by the editors of Exposition Review.

Our 2019 annual issue submission season is well underway. For Vol. V our editors chose the theme “Act/Break” calling submitters to consider action, disruption, and the interstitial places in between. As we approach our guaranteed feedback deadline (November 1) and our official deadline (December 15), we want to give you, our readers, writers, submitters, and community, an extra dose of inspiration. So whether you read Expo Recommends for the recommendations or you want to get a leg up on the competition with a behind-the-scenes look into the preferences of our editorial team, we hope you’ll enjoy our “Act/Break” inspired Expo Recommends. And if you’re looking for a place to buy the books that supports local bookstores and yours truly with a 10% commission, shop our Bookshop.

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Recap: Expo Presents: “L.A. in a Flash” at Lit Crawl L.A.

For a lit journal, fall is an exciting time of year. It usually means submission season is in full swing and a shiny new issue gleams on the horizon. But this year, beyond the excitement around our annual issue—and the fact that we’ll be paying contributors to Vol. V: “Act/Break”—we’re blocking our calendars with a focus on Lit Crawls and flash.

Continue reading “Recap: Expo Presents: “L.A. in a Flash” at Lit Crawl L.A.”

Flash 405, August 2019: “Underneath the Words” Winners

Exposition Review is pleased to announce the winners of our final Flash 405 contest of 2019! Guest judge Nancy Au posed the theme “Underneath the Words,” calling for works that took us to “places where you’ve never explored before, or the places where you’ve had difficulty finding access to.”

The winning works stood out for their delivery of powerful yet succinct revelations, discomforts, and transformations. Read on to discover them for yourself!

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Call for Submissions for Volume V: “Act/Break”

Exposition Review is excited to announce the theme for our fifth annual issue: Act/Break.

Submissions will be open from September 15–December 15, 2019. We accept work in all forms: fiction, nonfiction, poetry, scripts for stage & screen, experimental narratives, visual art, and comics. Volume V also includes a huge milestone: payment for all contributors.

Read more about the theme and how to submit:

Continue reading “Call for Submissions for Volume V: “Act/Break””

Expo Recommends: AWP


What should I read next? It’s a question we all ask ourselves time and again. Even with the countless essays, novels, screenplays, poems, and transmedia pieces to discover, to fall in love with or to detest, it can be a challenge to choose. Enter Expo Recommends, a curated selection of readings brought to you by the editors of Exposition Review.

This Expo Recommends comes with an exciting announcement: Exposition Review’s panel “From Page to Stage: How to Write a Play That Will Actually Get Produced” has been accepted for the Association of Writers & Writing Programs annual conference, AWP 2020! Our panel will feature writers Neal Adelman, Joshua Inocencio, and Jelisa Jay Robinson with moderator/Editor-in-Chief Lauren Gorski. To share our excitement, we’ve taken inspiration from AWP 2019, which took place in Portland and the panels and writers who inspired us there. We invite you to shop this collection in our Bookshop, and support local bookstores and give Expo a 10% commission when you do!

Continue reading “Expo Recommends: AWP”

Flash 405, June 2019: “Legacy” Winners

We are pleased to announce the latest winners of our Flash 405 contest! Our June contest was judged by Expo Associate Editor CD Eskilson, who drew on the 50th anniversary of the historic Stonewall Uprising for inspiration for the theme “Legacy.”

The winning pieces took this inspiration and created works that “serve as a map through generations” as well as reveal “the ground we stand on”—and ones we won’t soon forget. Read on to discover the winners for yourself!

Continue reading “Flash 405, June 2019: “Legacy” Winners”

Call for Entries: Flash 405, August 2019: “Underneath the Words”

We are excited to announce our last Flash 405 contest of 2019, and an extra-special guest judge: award-winning flash writer Nancy Au!

Flash 405 is Exposition Review’s multi-genre short form writing competition, awarding cash prizes and online publication to the winners. You can read the full rules and find past contests and winners here. Entries for our next round will be accepted from Aug 4–Sept 5, 2019 via Submittable.

Read on to learn more about this month’s judge and theme:

Continue reading “Call for Entries: Flash 405, August 2019: “Underneath the Words””

Recap: Short Play Reading + Workshop

This year’s Short Play Reading + Workshop combined one of our favorite #ExpoPresents events of the year (the reading of stageplays and screenplays published in Exposition Review) with one of our signature micro-workshops. This year, we headed to The Complex Hollywood and joined up with Hollywood Fringe Festival to bring works off the digital page and into the theater. We continued with a Q&A with the writers and directors followed by a micro-workshop focused on crafting short plays.

Continue reading “Recap: Short Play Reading + Workshop”

Flash 405, April 2019: “Magic & Myths” Winners

Exposition Review is excited to announce the latest winners of our Flash 405 contest! Our April contest, judged by Expo co-Editor-in-Chief Jessica June Rowe, called for narratives that explored the “intersections of times, cultures, and genres” through the lens of magic and mythology.

The submissions have been read, the winners selected, and now you can read these enchanting works for yourself!

Continue reading “Flash 405, April 2019: “Magic & Myths” Winners”

Call for Entries: Flash 405, June 2019: “Legacy”

It’s that time again: our Flash 405 contest is back in session!

Flash 405 is Exposition Review’s multi-genre short form writing competition, awarding cash prizes and online publication to the winners. You can read the full rules and find past contests and winners here. Entries for our next round will be accepted from June 4–July 5, 2019 via Submittable.

Read on to learn more about this month’s judge and theme:

Continue reading “Call for Entries: Flash 405, June 2019: “Legacy””