Call for Entries: Flash 405, August 2024: “Otherworldly”

Get ready for another round of Flash 405! Starting August 4, we’ll be accepting submissions on the theme “Otherworldly.” Whether you write prose, poetry, or experimental flash, we welcome your short-form masterpieces.

The theme for August was selected by our guest judge, the talented Dr. Cecilia Caballero, who introduced us to her own out-of-this-world work at a panel we co-hosted at Skylight Books earlier this year. We are thrilled to have her select the winners of our final contest of 2024.

Submissions will close September 5, so don’t miss your chance to enter! Before you submit, however, learn more about Cecilia and her “Otherworldly” theme below:

– August 2024 Round –

The Judge: Dr. Cecilia Caballero

Based in Los Angeles, Dr. Cecilia Caballero (she/her) is a teaching artist, poet, writer, and co-editor of the bestselling book, The Chicana Motherwork Anthology. Cecilia is the inaugural recipient of the Julia Alvarez scholarship from the 2024 Kenyon Review Writers Workshop, a 2024-2023 Octavia Butler Earthseed fellow, and a 2023 California Arts Council fellow. Cecilia has also received fellowships and grants from the Aspen Institute, the Abolitionist Teaching Network, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and the Center for Cultural Innovation. Cecilia is currently working on a memoir and a poetry collection. Find her on X @la_sangre_llama and Instagram @writingourwellness.

The Theme: Otherworldly

From Cecilia:

“I am interested in flash that blurs the boundaries between prose and poetry, between the ordinary and the non-ordinary, between structured and unstructured, between linear and non-linear. Write me something a bit strange about otherworldly ways we survive the every day. I especially encourage BIPOC and otherwise marginalized writers to submit.”


Before submitting, we encourage you to read the full guidelines, which can be found on our Submittable page (linked below), and check out past contests and winners here.

Good luck!

– Submissions open Aug 4–Sept 5, 2024 –


Photo by Efe Kurnaz