Exposition Review submissions are closed for our annual issue. Our submission period runs September 15 –December 31.
Looking for our February, April, June, and August Flash 405 short-form writing contests? Click here.
Wondering what to submit to us? We like to be surprised; we like writing that’s razor sharp, immediately transporting us with a strong voice and sense of place. We like work that is thoughtful and cathartic, that embraces conflict, and isn’t afraid to take risks. We love pieces that blur the boundaries of genre. To get an even better idea of what we look for in submissions, please read our previous issues.
Annual Issue Submissions:
Every issue has a theme from which writers and artists can draw inspiration. We encourage those who submit to think outside the box; we look for stories that fit the theme yet make us think about it in different ways; we want work that satisfies and challenges traditional forms of storytelling.
The theme for our tenth annual issue is “Spring.”
All work is read and given fair consideration by our editorial staff. Guidelines for individual genres are as follows:
- Fiction. Short stories and stand-alone novel excerpts up to 5,000 words.
- Flash Fiction. Up to three pieces of flash or microfiction. Each piece should be no more than 1,000 words; there is no minimum word count. The shorter, the better!
- Nonfiction. Memoir, personal essays, and creative nonfiction up to 5,000 words.
- Poetry. Up to three poems of any form and in traditional or experimental styles. Translations are accepted as well.
- Stage & Screen. One-act plays, scenes, or short film and screenplay excerpts up to 15 pages. Please format according to the standard unpublished playwriting or screenwriting format.
- Experimental Narratives. We love narratives in all forms. Whether it’s digital poetics, a video, or a genre-bending transmedia piece, if it tells a good story, creates compelling characters, and/or tickles our literary senses, we want it. Consider the limits of other categories and our online platform for length guidelines.
- Visual Art. Up to five pieces of art and/or photography per submission. If submitting more than one piece of art, please compile into one file (PDF or otherwise). Please include a brief artist’s statement or statement about the work (1–3 paragraphs), and include appropriate credit lines for all pieces (Artist Name, Title of Work, Year. Medium, Dimensions.)
- Comics. Comics should be self-contained, up to three pages per piece, with no more than three pieces per submission.
- Film. Short films in live-action narrative, documentary, or animation up to 15 minutes in length. Please include a brief summary and credits list in the cover letter of your submission.
Additional information:
- Exposition Review accepts ONLY online submissions through Submittable.
- Please submit ONLY previously unpublished work. Previously published work will not be considered, including work that has been published online.
- Pieces that exceed our specified word limits will NOT be read.
- Cover letters should contain all relevant contact information and a brief bio.
- Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but make note of this in your cover letter and notify us immediately if your submission is accepted elsewhere.
- Do not send more than one piece of any genre at one time.
- Please wait until we have responded to your first piece before sending another.
Author receives $50.00 USD for accepted work. Author retains copyright, but is asked to cite appearance in Exposition Review if the work is republished elsewhere.