Escape to L.A.

by George Townley

Visual Art



Artist’s Statement

Escapism is a huge theme and driving inspiration for my work. I grew up in a small, rainy town in the north of England, so drawing these sun-soaked landscapes in California was my way of escaping that. I love that I can draw a cool, mid-century modern house thousands of miles away in Los Angeles and just completely change the feeling of a miserable, gray day. Many people who purchase my prints say that it does the same for them, and if I can invoke some sort of memory or nostalgia with my work then I’ve done my job properly. I’m a big advocate for escaping your surroundings through art.



George Townley is an illustrator and designer based in London who specializes in colorful, symmetrical works of architecture and Los Angeles. This obsession came from a study-abroad program during university when he was able to live in California. This trip completely changed his style for the better—experiencing a big change in his environment inspired him to take his work in a new direction. Since then, his passion for all things Americana has been prevalent in his work.

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