
by Theo W. Scott





Artist’s Statement

A cute foil for humanity acts as an exploration of free will and “space time,” creating ambiguity around the concept of individualism by showing all of humanity’s cataclysms and culls being played along one linear timeline—inspired partly by the Bayeux Tapestry.

Cuties asks whether we as a species are doomed to repeat the same violent cycles of decimation and rebirth within our societies at large—as history would seem to indicate. Is annihilation woven into the fabric of our DNA? Or will our next evolutionary leap transcend humanity into a collective consciousness—a worldwide singularity?

For now, you can witness countless atrocities committed by a homogenized (and rather cute) human that asks the question, Are we all one entity experiencing life subjectively, and if so, why are we so cruel to ourselves?

All hand-drawn animation with heavily penciled backgrounds.



After graduating in fine art, Theo W. Scott’s short animation “DoughButt” was commissioned and broadcast by Channel 4. While continuing to work on short films, Theo has exhibited internationally and published cartoons in publications such as Britain’s best-selling current affairs magazine Private Eye. Theo’s most recent project involved harnessing machine learning algorithms in order to create an experimental and unprecedented 3D animation for Mercury Award-winning musician Gwil Sainsbury of Alt-J.

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